The Consulting Edge Podcast

Episode 2 - Unlocking The Consultant in You™

Masood Hassan Season 1 Episode 2

Show Notes:

Unlocking The Consultant in You™  is about knowing who you are, your brand your skillset and where you stand in your industry as the expert.

What if yours was the first name to spring to mind when anyone mentioned your industry and wanted consulting work? What if you were so iconic that the deals, the publicity, the business all came to you? Reach that certain ‘tipping point,’ become the recognised expert, and your business model changes completely.

Creating your market of one as the recognised expert and authority will position you as the go to name in your industry because when you're known as the expert, the icon the leader then business will come to you.

In this episode you’ll learn about:

1.     The ‘Iron Triangle’ – Your level of expertise and knowledge, Your reputation and brand, Your consulting skill set and competency

2.    The importance of Expert Positioning and the Four Stages of Consulting Maturity from Specialist to Iconic.

I’ll explain why understanding the space you play in and learning how to become a face and a voice in the minds of key industry players in your field is so critical to setting the foundations for your consulting business and Unlocking The Consultant in You™  by becoming the answer to the question "you know who the best person to speak to is..... ?"

I hope that you manage to get some real value and insight from this week’s show. 

Any questions please email me on or connect with me on LinkedIn and share any of your thoughts or ideas for future topics to discuss on the next episode.