The Consulting Edge Podcast

Episode 1 - Introducing The Consulting Edge Podcast

Masood Hassan Season 1 Episode 1

If you want to find out how to turn your knowledge and expertise into a consulting business, find your edge and become a seven figure ‘consultapreneur’ in the digital age then this podcast is for you.

Every week I’ll take you through practical content that you can use to turn what you know into a lifetime of multiple income streams. These are methods that I actually use to do my own consulting work and how I built my own consulting business over the last 20 years as a practising business consultant and entrepreneur.  

After 20 years in the industry,  I've  decided to alter direction. Now, I  share my passion by helping other consultants  Build Profitable, Scalable and Strategic Consulting Businesses and learn how to become  Consultapreneurs™ .

I’ll share with you how I’ve been able to package my own knowledge and expertise and create a sustainable B2B consulting business in an entrepreneurial way and become a Consultapreneur™. 

Each week I’ll be going through answering the question of how can you get a significant edge in your business and make an impact from the experience and expertise that you have accumulated over your lifetime or from your passion. In addition, I’ll be bringing in amazing guests to talk about their experiences and the journeys they have taken to become successful independent consultants and build their consulting businesses.

My ambition and motivation is simple -  change the future of one million people to breakout on their own by helping them build successful solo consulting business, so that they can realise their true talent through what they know. To create One million independent consultants, with One million stories to tell and shape One million futures.

For each episode I’ll create a custom Action Guide and Show Notes so you know EXACTLY what steps to take to help you get results fast. 

In Episode 1 -  Ill talk about about five things

  1. My motivation for doing The Consulting Edge Podcast and my story
  2. Why breaking out and becoming an independent entrepreneurial consultant – what I call a  Consultapreneur™ is so lucrative.
  3. How to cut the learning curve to become financially independent.
  4. The concept of the Consultapreneur™ and the 'Magic Trick'.
  5. A set of Actions to get you going

I hope that you manage to get some real value and insight from this week’s show. Don’t forget you can sign up and download each Action Guide and show notes for free or email me on or connect with me on my Facebook or  LinkedIn pages if you want to connect and share any of your thoughts or ideas of future topics to discuss on the next Podcast.


I have four questions for you to think about.

1.      Where are you on your journey? What stage are you at?

2.      What’s the value that you are bringing to the table? What you are good at, are you clear about your expertise, what do you really know?

3.      What you can be paid for?

4.      What do you think your client/s really need?

Give yourself an hour and go somewhere where you'll be uninterrupted put yourself in a positive state, you’re about to embark on a fantastic journey to shape your future, so get writing and as you do please take the time to think about some of the things that you can start to take immediate actions on which will move you closer to taking the first step in creating your consulting business. And when your done drop me line on or connect with me on linked in.

I would love to hear from you, about your story and about what you’ve done or with any questions or thoughts you might have for future podcast topics.


Shoshin is a word from Zen Buddhism meaning "beginner's mind." It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner would

Ikigai (生き甲斐, lit. 'a reason for being') is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living.